Thursday, January 25, 2018

You're Not Special - Or Are You?

Abby Richardson

                If “individuality is something securely possessed within each of us as our unique ‘essence’” (Barry, 20), does that mean that if you were born in another time period, in another part of the world, would you still be you? Would you still be a person who sees only the good in others if your whole life was spent being turned on by people you thought were friends? Would you still be a ‘strong, independent woman’ if you were born in a time where virtually every aspect of your life did something to prevent that? Maybe, maybe not. Personally, I’m a firm believer that nurture is more influential than nature in shaping an individual, so if I had to answer this question I would say no, you would not be the same person. I believe people start out as blank slates, or as close to that as they can be, and are shaped into who they are by their experiences. Saying this, I do believe that people are unique, because everyone experiences the world differently, but the you that you are had hundreds, thousands, millions of different ways it could have turned out.

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