Thursday, February 22, 2018

A Universal Language

On page 45 of Barry, it's stated that "a particular remark in French (a sample of parole) only makes sense to you if you are already in possession of the whole body of rules and conventions governing verbal behaviour which we call 'French'." This makes sense, as every time I've ever heard someone speak in a language I don't know it sounds like gibberish. It's very interesting to think about, however, because it's completely possible that person speaking another language is able to express a thought or emotion that we, as English speakers, are not able to even comprehend.

That being said, do you think that language is necessary to get points across, or for a shared conception of reality to exist? Do you think there is a universal language of sorts?
Me trying to understand Structuralism after missing the first lecture and also being on strong painkillers

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