In Lynn's Unifying the Work, there is a list as how to see poems in the light of New Criticism. We are told that, "a poem should be seen as an object- an object of an extraordinary and somewhat mysterious kind, a silent object that is not equal to the words printed on a page." (39) However, a poem cannot be silent. The words exist on the page and are not silent when read, written, or spoken. If a poem were to be completely silent, then the person looking at the poem wouldn't be even reading it. Even in our heads, there is a voice of some kind that we read everything in. A poem is never truly silent. it is spoken out-loud or in our heads as we read. In each poem there is a meaning behind the words, however simple it may be, and it can different for each person who reads the poem.
Photo link: https://www.pexels.com/photo/seaport-during-daytime-132037/
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