Thursday, March 29, 2018

There Must Be Compromise

On Wednesday, I was talking to Natalie and Luke before class about Feminist Theory. I don't remember if it was me or Natalie who said this (probably Natalie), but it was brought up that hearing Dr. Kolmerten's journey to becoming a feminist theorist brought in feelings of frustration and anger at just hearing what some people have to go through. Luke then said that you have to be careful not to look at this theory or feminism in general as revenge, which I think is a very good point. It would be very easy for one to become a feminist in search of revenge against the "enemy" with a "us against them" mentality. Often times, not even just in the context of feminism, this is the easiest and most natural mentality to fall into.

It's crucial to remember that feminism outside of the context of literature is not an us against them situation, and there are many more layers to it. This is comparable to the part in Dr. Kolmerten's story where she and other theorists butted heads about whether gender or language was more important when analyzing literature, when in the end it was a definite combination of both. There must be compromise in order for there to be agreement and unity, and this applies to both life and literature.

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