Friday, April 20, 2018

Backlash From Greediness

What I thought was a big take away from Silent Soring is how easily we can take advantage of nature. It is kind of selfish, or careless, to do something (such as spray DDT) without knowing the implications of it. It seems like nature and all the animals and insects that inhabit nature were just an afterthought, if even that. The story can lead you to believe that no one seemed to even think about how DDT can effect nature until birds started to due at alarming rates. Nature should not be the Guinea pigs in testing whether DDT causes any implications to others. In addition, as the killing makes its way through the food chain, what does that mean for us? We are at that top of the food chain. In reality, it does seem like we can let our own greediness and strong want for money to be more important that our own safety and health concerns.

                                                                  Romaine Lettuce  

Recalls have been prevalent lately, with 2 different products currently being recalled (eggs and romaine lettuce). Sanitary measures were not correctly followed, for it is more important to these companies to produce products fast to make a lot of money. Our health is deemed less important.

Who knows, maybe recalls would not be so prevalent if we weren't so focused on mass producing products for financial gains. The monopolizing of these businesses to have thier products everywhere is part of the problem. Instead of people getting sick in multiple areas (I believe it is something like 11 different states that are effected), the sickness would be contained to one area if this product just remained in the state where is was manufactured.

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