Friday, March 30, 2018

Feminist Literary Theory, I'm a little confused

I really enjoyed Dr. Kolmerten's unit, if she still taught here I would love to have taken a course with her.

Her essay "My Life in Theory" read like a good novel. I was invested in her as a character and I couldn't wait to see what happened to her next in the essay. She embodies the spirit of feminist criticism not just in her teaching but also in the way she lives her life.  

If there was one thing I have liked a little more it would have been to spend more time of practicing the technical components of how t analyze a text as a literary feminist critic. Maybe it was just me having a hard time understanding The Yellow Wallpaper because it my first go around with it, and because of that I missed the process of how I was supposed to look at it. But I at the end of this unit I feel like I would have a hard time analyzing a text using feminist criticism. Maybe someone who got it better could help me understand? 

Image result for feminists criticism

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