Thursday, April 12, 2018

Deconstruction. Yay.

Hello English 210 gang, back at it again with our PQQ's.

I have two quotes today, both from the man himself, Jacques Derrida.

This first one I thought could be some interesting food for thought. I would love to hear y'alls interpretation of what you take it to mean. I read it at least a dozen times before I got an idea of what it might mean. What I believe he is saying, is that one of the main points of deconstruction is to limit absolute claims about what things are and what things are not.

Delimiting Ontology Indicative*

This second quote (not a real quote) reminded me of something I thought was funny last class. Mr. Baughman stated that he felt as if Deconstruction might perhaps be a little too theoretical in its nature, that is to say, as Alex said, at times it felt as if it was a series of people simply trying to make overly creative interpretations of a given text. From my view, I thought that perhaps it was at times a little pretensions in its nature.  Not to say I didn't find it interesting, because I did, but rather, as Doctor MB puts it, it can be intentionally non inclusive in its complexity. 

(NOT A REAL QUOTE...obviously) ☺️

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