Thursday, March 1, 2018

New Historicism - Right Under Our Noses

In my sophomore year of high school, our world history and English teachers tried their best to sync what we were learning in each class. For example, when we were discussing Greece in history, we read the Odyssey in English. When we were learning about World War II, we read Night by Elie Wiesel. And when we learned about World War I, we read All Quiet on the Western Front. At the time that we read All Quiet, we also read the poem Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen. At the time, I was not aware that we were using New Historicism. We were using the context we were given in history class to better understand the texts. Without the context of what was happening at the time, I don't think some of the mindsets within the stories or the decisions the characters made would have made as much sense. Realizing that I had been doing New Historicism without me even knowing about it was interesting--how many other literary theories have we been using without realizing it?

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