Thursday, April 12, 2018

Shhhh, it’s a secret! (and also some rambling)

Hi friends! I’m really sorry I can’t be there with you for this discussion, but I can’t wait to read all of your posts. You’ll have to fill me in after class.

So I actually really enjoyed this week, like my mind wasn’t as blown as it could be because I think about this a lot. Maybe it’s the writer in me, but it always bothers me how we can’t have thoughts we don’t have words for because we understand things through language, which is circular and finite. But anyways, it’s quotes and question week so I won’t ramble anymore.

As you know, I love poetry and e. e. cummings melted my brain the first time I read him (in middle school at some point). Right, now no more rambling... I’ve always love this poem and I think the line “here is the deepest secret nobody knows” does a good job of summing up deconstruction. For me deconstruction is this great secret that explains how language works and how we put it together to make our world, and the beauty of it is that it can never be fully understood.

Would you look at that! Natalie posted an actual picture. No quote. Incredible. I felt like this painting  (Salvador Dali’s Melting Watch) does a good job of representing both the way our minds melt because of this concept, but also the freeing nature of deconstruction. Found at:

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