Thursday, April 12, 2018

Generic Deconstruction Complaint Post

When someone tells me how much they love deconstruction literary theory:

Getting abrasive with my memes, sorry sqwad

I don't enjoy my literary skepticism, believe me. And I don't think deconstruction or post-modernism deserve our total scorn, either. They're great ideas. But in terms of practicality???

I grasp and appreciate both theories on a conceptual level: the mere concept of realities existing only through our representations of things nonexistent is staggeringly cool and plausible, and the fluidity and inherent meaningless of language is worthy of discourse. But do both seemingly philosophical discussions warrant application to literature?
Well, yes, apparently. But this skeptic just doesn't get the hype. At some point both disciplines just become exercises in imagination—who can wring the most creative interpretation out of a given text, whether it be a word, sentence, phrase, or stanza?

But maybe that's just the Political Science Guy in me preferring my philosophy as philosophy and my literature as literature, and NO CROSSOVERS. All I can say is we've gotta be careful if we do so, guys, bad things can happen.....

I swear I'm not as cranky as this diatribe sounds you guys, honest

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